During the after-landing roll, we should gradually slow our airplane down to normal taxi speed before turning off at an appropriate exit.
I should stress the importance of slowing down sufficiently, as any significant degree of turn at faster speeds could result in ground looping and subsequent damage to the airplane.
Once you hare touched down on the runway you must divide your attention fully to slowing down while you maintain the runway centreline. Do not start the after-landing checklist until the airplane has been brought to a complete stop and is clear of the active runway.
In the past flight crew have mistakenly grasped the wrong handle and retracted the landing gear instead of cleaning up the flaps! This happened because of improper division of attention while the airplane was still moving.
An exception to this rule is a manufacturer’s recommendation that specific after-landing items be accomplished during landing rollout. For example, when performing short-field landings the manufacturer may recommend retracting flaps on rollout to improve braking. In this situation, pilots should make positive identification of the flap control before retracting them.
Once clear of the active, the after landing checklist can be completed. Unless parking in a designated supervised area, pilots should select a location and heading which will prevent the propeller or jet blast of other aircraft from striking the airplane broadside.
Whenever possible, park into wind (existing / forecast). Ensure that the nose wheel is straightened before shutting down the engine.
For the engine shutdown and for securing the airplane, pilots should refer to appropriate checklists. Some important items may include;
- Parking brake ON
- Throttle IDLE
- Ignition OFF, then ON to check for proper operation of the switch in the off position.
- Propeller control fully increase.
- Electrical units and radios OFF
- Mixture IDLE CUTOFF.
- Ignition switch OFF when engine stops.
- Master switch OFF.
- Install the control lock.
A flight is never complete until engine is shut down and airplane is secured. Pilots should consider this an essential part of any flight. It is sound to end the day with a proper post flight inspection, checking the aircraft general condition.
Pilots should consider this an essential part of any flight. Thus, we will end the day with a proper post flight inspection, checking the general condition of our aircraft . 📚💡🛬